Endogenous Livestock Development email group
The ELDev discussion group enables members to exchange ideas and information on “endogenous livestock development“. This is a people-centred approach that focuses on the development of livestock production, based on livestock keepers’ initiatives, their own worldview, values, knowledge, institutions, and locally available resources, as well as suitable outside resources.
The group started as a discussion group on ethnoveterinary medicine, but has recently expanded to cover broader aspects of people-centred livestock development. The group has over 200 members.
To join the ELDev group, visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ELDev or send a blank email to ELDev-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

The League for Pastoral Peoples booklet, Livestock Keepers’ Rights: Conserving breeds, supporting livelihoods (see below), has been published in German as Tierhalterrechte: Nutztierrassen erhalten, ländliche Existenzen bewahren.
Download English version 262 kb, 20 pages.
Download 276 kb, 20 pages.
Contact info@pastoralpeoples.org for a free hardcopy.
Camels at the crossroads
Camels are the focus of the January 2005 edition of the New Agriculturist, an online magazine on agricultural development.
Articles by New Agriculturist reporter Susie Emmett cover the decline of camels in Rajasthan in western India, and their rising popularity in Kenya; the health benefits and market potential of camel milk; and the working camels of India and the racing camels of the Gulf.
Several of these articles are based on papers presented at the international conference on Saving the Camel and People’s Livelihoods, held on 23-25 November at Sadri, Rajasthan. This conference was hosted by Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan as part of the LIFE Initiative.