“The world’s 120 million pastoralists have much in common”, says LPP’s Evelyn Mathias. “They face common problems and should work together to solve them.”
Evelyn gave a presentation at a symposium on the European Sheep Trek in Brussels on 14 September 2010.
Most herders live in areas unsuited for cropping, such as dry areas and mountains. They rely heavily on their animals and on the environment. Many are mobile for at least part of the year. They are exceptional breeders, and maintain many unique local breeds. They are important in conserving the environment and producing food – but their role is often not appreciated by governments.
Such features are common not only in the developing world, but also among herders in Europe and other developed countries.
Groups of herders already collaborate internationally – for example through the LIFE Network. But herders should increase their collaboration to achieve recognition, supportive policies and appropriate opportunities in the future.
Download presentation (in German)