The black sheep of Rajasthan

The Raika represent one of the largest groups of livestock herders in India. Through their innovativeness, flexibility and specialised knowledge, they have managed to thrive in a harsh, semi-desert environment. They have developed hardy livestock breeds and a complex social web that revolves around their animals. But external factors are pushing the Raika to the limits of their resourcefulness and threatening their livelihood with extinction.

  • Title: The black sheep of Rajasthan
  • Author: Ellen Geerlings / Seedling / 2004
  • Description: The Raika represent one of the largest groups of livestock herders in India
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  • Pages: 6

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    Il est vital de protéger les éleveurs de bétail traditionnels

    Four-page article in French: “It is vital to protect traditional livestock keepers.”
    Depuis la nuit des temps, des sociétés traditionnelles d’éleveurs de bétail et de volaille sélectionnent* des races d’animaux dans toutes sortes d’environnements dans le monde. Mais la globalisation et l’industrialisation de l’élevage menacent de plus en plus la richesse génétique présente dans les 6000 races d’animaux ainsi sélectionnées. Sauver les peuples pasteurs qui maintiennent ce trésor en vie passe par la reconnaissance et la juste rétribution de leur travail irremplaçable de sélection

  • Title: Il est vital de protéger les éleveurs de bétail traditionnels
  • Author: Ilse Köhler-Rollefson / La Revue Durable / 2004
  • Description: It is vital to protect traditional livestock keepers
  • Format: Zip
  • Pages: 4

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    The Karen commitment: Pastoralist/Indigenous Livestock Keepers’ Rights

    Leaders of traditional livestock and pastoral communities, government representatives, civil society organizations with a focus on livestock genetic resources, academics and livestock researchers met in Karen, Kenya on 27–30 October, 2003. They issued a statement calling on governments and relevant international bodies to recognize the contribution of pastoralists to food and livelihood security, environmental services and domestic animal diversity and to conserving and sustainable use of animal genetic resources. They called for an international legally-binding recognition of inalienable Livestock Keepers’ Rights and the Rights of their communities.

  • Title: The Karen commitment: Pastoralist/Indigenous Livestock Keepers’ Rights
  • Author: LPP / League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development and Local Livestock for Empowerment (LIFE) Network / Intermediate Technology Development Group / 2005
  • Description: Leaders of traditional livestock and pastoral communities, government representatives, civil society organizations with a focus on livestock genetic resources, academics and livestock researchers met in Karen, Kenya on 27–30 October, 2003
  • Format: Zip
  • Pages: 1

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