World map of pastoralists poster

This poster shows the locations of over 800 pastoralist groups around the world, and highlights pastoralist systems from the Arctic to Australia. The poster is DIN A1 size (59.4 x 84.1 cm or 23.4 x 33.1 inches).

The poster is based on the World map of pastoralists, prepared for the 2026 International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists. Visit to see the full interactive map with details of each group.

  • Title: World map of pastoralists
  • Author: Paul Mundy
  • Description: A1-size poster of pastoralist systems around the world
  • Format: Pdf
  • Pages: 1

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    Accounting for pastoralists in Spain

    Spain has a very diverse range of ecosystems that have been created and transformed over centuries by pastoralism. Some 88% of the country’s land area can be used as pastures at some time of the year. Two main pastoral strategies have evolved: transhumance, and agrosilvopastoralism.

    • Transhumance involves moving animals between winter pastures (usually in the plains) to summer pastures (often in the mountains).
    • Agrosilvopastoralism involves grazing animals on pasture and crop residues, and in forests and tree plantations. The dehesa oak parklands are an example.

    No data exist on the number of pastoralists in Spain, the lands they use or the numbers of animals they keep. Pastoralism is in general decline, under pressure from changing economics and unfavourable policies. But awareness of its value for the environment, landscape management and tourism is rising.

  • Title: Accounting for pastoralists in Spain
  • Author: Francesca Pasetti, Concejo de la Mesta; Rubén Serrano and Pablo Manzano, Basque Centre for Climate Change; Pedro Herrera, Fundación Entretantos – Spanish Platform for Extensive Livestock Systems and Pastoralism / League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development / 2022
  • Description: Information brief
  • Format: Pdf
  • Pages: 6

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    Internationale Tagung Tierhalterrechte und Biologische Vielfalt

    A report of an International conference on Livestock Keepers’ Rights and Biodiversity organized by the League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development at Lichtenberg Castle, Odenwald, Germany, 19 May 2010. Summarizes presentations and discussions by livestock keepers and specialists from Germany, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain and Tanzania.

  • Title: Internationale Tagung Tierhalterrechte und Biologische Vielfalt
  • Author: LPP / League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development and Local Livestock for Empowerment (LIFE) Network / 2010
  • Description: A report of an International conference on Livestock Keepers' Rights and Biodiversity
  • Format: Zip
  • Pages: 24

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