People and Livestock newsletter

Issue 2, February 2005, focuses on camels and pastoralism. News also on Nguni cattle in South Africa, recommendations on smallholder poultry projects, and a project with sheep and goat breeders in India.
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Camels end on Bangladeshi platters

The Times of India of 21 January 2005 carried a story on how camels from Rajasthan are being exported to Bangladesh for slaughter. The article quotes evidence from Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan that scores of camels were bought from Pushkar fair by traders from Bangladesh.
Rolex journal features work in Rajasthan

The Winter 2004-2005 issue of the Rolex Awards for Enterprise journal For Enterprise features the work of LPP founder Ilse Köhler-Rollefson in Rajasthan. It highlights the camel yatra that Ilse and members of the NGO Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan launched in January 2005 to draw attention to the declining numbers of camels in Rajasthan, and the threat this brings to their traditional Raika herders.
Ilse received an Associate Laureate award from Rolex in 2002 for her work with the Raika.