The interactive World map of camelids currently has information on over 220 groups who keep camelids worldwide.
The vast majority of these are pastoralists who keep dromedaries, Bactrian camels, alpacas and llamas in extensive grazing systems. The map also shows groups that keep camelids in other management systems (the grey icons), and organizations that are concerned with camelids (red icons). It also includes the main ranges (areas of distribution) of domesticated, wild and feral populations of camelids (including wild Bactrians, feral dromedaries, guanacos and vicuñas).
The map is a work in progress and makes no claim for completeness. Please contact us with corrections or additions. This map is based on our Pastoralist map, https://www.pastoralpeoples.org/pastoralist-map/
To open the World map of camelids, please click on the graphic above or here.
You can click on any of the small icons to see details of that group in the sidebar. Show or hide layers using the sidebar menu or the pop-up box on the left.
Download a poster featuring the map here.
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