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- Private: ‘Accounting for pastoralists’ briefs now available for five countries
- 2010 retrospective
- A field manual of camel diseases
- Accounting for pastoralists in Afghanistan
- Accounting for pastoralists in Argentina
- Accounting for pastoralists in Germany
- Accounting for pastoralists in India
- Accounting for pastoralists in Iran
- Accounting for pastoralists in Kenya
- Accounting for pastoralists in Mozambique
- Accounting for pastoralists in Pakistan
- Accounting for pastoralists in Spain
- Accounting for pastoralists in Uganda
- Accounting for pastoralists: Why it is important and how to do it?
- Adding value to livestock diversity: Marketing to promote local breeds and improve livelihoods
- Advocating livestock keepers’ rights
- Agrobiodiversity in drylands
- Amagara geitu gemerezeibweho ente z’enyankore kandi nizo zitutungire tushemereire kwirinda kureeba ngu tizachwekyerera: Okuhandiika aha nte z’enzaarwa nitukoozesa ebiteekateeko by’abariisa kandi bakama baazo (LIFE approach)
- Añadiendo valor a la diversidad ganadera: Mercadotecnia para promover las razas autóctonas y mejorar los medios de subsistencia
- Animal genetic resources and intellectual property rights
- Bellagio Brief
- Beyond material transfer agreements: Access and benefit-sharing of animal genetic resources: About the need to think out of the box
- Bio-cultural Community Protocols, starting point for endogenous livestock development?
- Biocultural Community Protocol of the Camel Breeders of Rajasthan
- Biocultural community protocols for livestock keepers
- Biocultural Community Protocols: A tool for pastoralists to secure customary rights to the commons?
- Biocultural Community Protocols: A tool for pastoralists to secure customary rights to the commons?
- Building an international legal framework on animal genetic resources: Can it help the drylands and food insecure countries?
- Building an international legal framework on animal genetic resources: Can it help the drylands and food insecure countries?
- Camel yatra
- Camelids around the world
- Civil society statement on the International Year of Camelids 2024
- Community protocols for pastoralists and livestock keepers: Claiming rights under the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Community protocols: Tools for awareness raising and conservation
- Conference livestock futures
- Conservation cannot ignore pastoral rights
- Das Tierzucht-Monopoly: Konzentration und Aneignungsstrategien einer aufsteigenden Macht in der globalen Ernährungswirtschaft
- Declaration on livestock keepers’ rights
- Donner de la valeur ajoutée à la diversité du bétail pour promouvoir les races locales et améliorer les moyens d’existence
- Empresas de genética ganadera : Estrategias de apropiación y concentración de un poder emergente en la economía alimentaria mundial
- Endogenous livestock development: Strengthening local initiatives using resources sustainably
- Endogenous versus globalized: An alternative vision of livestock development for the poor
- Engagement für Autonomie und Identität
- Exploring Orissa’s animal cultures with Dr. Balaram’s pathe pathshala
- Farm animal genetic resources: Safeguarding national assets for food security and trade
- Gemeinschaftsprotokolle helfen Gemeinschaften beim Schutz und Erhalt ihrer Ressourcen sowie ihres Wissens
- Herd movements: The exchange of livestock breeds and genes between North and South
- Herders care for diversity
- Herders care for diversity poster
- Il est vital de protéger les éleveurs de bétail traditionnels
- Implementing the Convention on Biodiversity with respect to domestic animal diversity
- Indigenous breeds, local communities: Documenting animal breeds and breeding from a community perspective
- Indigenous institutions for managing livestock genetic diversity in Rajasthan (India)
- Indigenous knowledge about animal breeding, traditional communities and the State of the World Report
- Industrial livestock production and its impact on smallholders in developing countries
- Intellectual property rights and animal genetic resources
- Intellectual property rights regime necessary for traditional livestock raisers
- Internationale Tagung Tierhalterrechte und Biologische Vielfalt
- Investing in livestock futures
- Keepers of genes: The interdependence between pastoralists breeds access to the commons and livelihoods
- Kuttapalayam Confirmation
- Leveraging the potential of livestock for dryland development: Why a paradigm shift is needed
- Lingayat bio-cultural protocol
- Livestock diversity: Keepers’ rights, shared benefits and pro-poor policies
- Livestock farming with nature: Abstract
- Livestock farming with nature: Poster
- Livestock genetics companies: Concentration and proprietary strategies of an emerging power in the global food economy
- Livestock keepers: Guardians of biodiversity
- Livestock Keepers’ Rights: A rights-based approach to invoking justice for pastoralists and biodiversity conserving livestock keepers
- Livestock keepers’ rights: Conserving breeds, supporting livelihoods
- Livestock keepers’ rights: The state of discussion
- Livestock out of balance: From asset to liability in the course of the livestock revolution. Discussion paper
- Local breeds, livelihoods and livestock keepers’ rights in South Asia
- Local livestock breeds for sustainable rural livelihoods: Towards community-based approaches for animal genetic resource conservation
- Local livestock for empowerment: The LIFE Network
- Looking at the bright side of life stock
- Losing livestock, losing livelihoods
- Management of animal genetic diversity at community level
- Managing animal genetic resources at the community level
- Marketing products from local livestock breeds: An analysis of eight cases
- Ngapedorosyo nguna a ngikeyokok a ngibaren: Ekipitune ngibaren, ka akitogogong eyare angitunga
- Pashtoon Biocultural Community Protocol
- People-centred livestock development: A tool for sustainable development?
- People-centred livestock development: A training course for NGOs
- Protected areas and Livestock Keepers’ Rights
- Raika bio-cultural protocol
- Recognising ethnoveterinary medicine and community rights: An investment in our future
- Recognising ethnoveterinary medicine and community rights: An investment in our future – Summary
- Samburu community protocol
- Saving Rajasthan’s camel herds: The perspective of camel breeders
- Saving the camel and people’s livelihoods: Building a multi-stakeholder platform for the conservation of the camel in Rajasthan
- Securing tomorrow’s food: Promoting the sustainable use of farm animal genetic resources: Information for action
- Securing tomorrow’s food: Promoting the sustainable use of farm animal genetic resources: Issues and options
- Sheep husbandry and ethnoveterinary knowledge of Raika sheep pastoralists in Rajasthan, India
- Sheep pastoralism in Rajasthan: Still a viable option?
- State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- Supporting livelihoods and local livestock breeds: Guidelines for putting Livestock Keepers’ Rights into practice
- The black sheep of Rajasthan
- The Karen commitment: Indigenous livestock breeding communities and animal genetic resources copy
- The Karen commitment: Pastoralist/Indigenous Livestock Keepers’ Rights
- The need to conserve the Longhorn Ankole Cattle of Uganda: A community perspective, Using the LIFE approach to documentation of animal genetic resources
- The role of pastoralism in Germany
- Tierhalterrechte: Nutztierrassen erhalten, ländliche Existenzen bewahren
- Towards resilience and social sustainability of the livestock sector: Approaches of the LIFE Network in India to support biodiversity-based livestock development
- Valorizando pastoralistas em Moçambique
- Vielfalt statt Monopoly: Für einen Fortbestand der traditionellen Nutztierrassen und der Kultur ihrer Hüter
- Vier Hände für einen Höcker
- With camelids into a sustainable future
- World map of pastoralists poster