LPP annual report 2004

Putting the livestock keeper first: the lead article in the 2004 Annual Report of the League for Pastoral Peoples describes people-centred livestock development.
Unlike most approaches to livestock development, this puts the livestock keepers (rather than their animals) as the focus. It bases development on their needs, capabilities and concerns, rather than merely trying to boost the productivity of their animals. It promises a more appropriate and ultimately more successful approach to livestock-based development.
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Indigenous breeds, local communities

Documenting animal breeds and breeding from a community perspective
Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan and Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, 2005
This manual describes the threats to indigenous breeds of livestock, and how to document them as a first step in conserving them in collaboration with the communities where they evolved. The manual was produced with support from GTZ.
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Building an international legal framework on animal genetic resources

by Ilse Köhler-Rollefson
This paper provides arguments for an international agreement to govern the genetic resources of farm animals. How can breeds and genes be conserved, where are the biodiversity hotspots, and what should an international agreement cover?
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